Learn how to employ a rifle platform safely and efficiently. Rifle mechanics is a blended course. It is a blend between performance/practical shooting and defensive base shooting. It cover subjects like self-diagnostics, the importance of vision, and helps to push students to a higher level of performance no matter the level they are at. This class is tailored to teach you using science, data, and experience to become more efficient and consistant shooter.
(2 days, 16-hour class)
Times: Class begins at 0900 until 1700
Who can attend? Anyone who has shot previously and has safe gun handling skills.
What to bring to a Rifle Class Video
- Safety
- Zeroing
- Reloads
- Malfunctions
- Movement
- Cover/Shooting Positions
- Target Transitions
Required equipment:
- Ear and eye protection
- Zeroed Rifle with sling
- 3-5 mags
- 1000 -1250 rounds of ammunition
- 1-2 mag pouches (back pockets work too)
- Water
- Personal Individual First aid kit (Gear to be used on you)
- Marker
- Notepad
Additional but not required equipment:
- Knee pads
- Gloves
- Spare Firearm
- Snacks/Lunch
- Tools for your equipment
- Cleaning kit w/ oil
- Rain gear and sunscreen (depending on weather)
After payment, your slot is guaranteed in class.