Learn what, why, and how to carry a firearm and properly employ it safely. Handgun mechanics is a blended course. It is a blend between performance/practical shooting and defensive base shooting. It cover subjects like self-diagnostics, the importance of vision, and helps to push students to a higher level of performance no matter their level. This class is tailored to teach you using science, data, and experience to become more efficient and consistant shooter.
(2 days, 16-hour class)
Times: Class begins at 0900 until 1700
Who can attend? Anyone who has shot previously and has safe gun handling skills.
What to bring to a Handgun Class Video
Sights (RDS and Irons)
Performance-based Movement
Target Transitions
and more.
Required Equipment:
Ear and eye protection
Pistol (caliber: 9mm or larger)
Inside or outside the waistband Kydex style holster (No nylon/soft holsters that don't keep shape)
3-5 mags
1200 rounds of ammunition minimum
1-2 mag pouches
Personal Individual First aid kit (Gear to be used on you)
Additional but not required equipment:
Knee pads
Spare Firearm
Tools for your equipment
Cleaning kit w/ oil
Rain gear, insect repellent, and/or sunscreen (depending on weather)
After payment, your slot is guaranteed in class.
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